An atheist gins up some Grace, Part 1

...in which our ever-questing heroine wonders, "Is it possible to remap one's janky neural pathways by dint of will alone?"

A story told instead of written today. Personal and a little bit intense, but regular readers are used to that already, right? Captioned if you need to keep the sound low or off.

After you’ve viewed: There’s one critical point I forgot in my telling. Before concluding that I had in fact created some kind of dramatic change with respect to old bothersome memories, I actually did run myself through a PSTEC click track and had trouble following the basic instructions—because those memories had already been severed from their emotional content. At least for the moment.

Relevant links:

Micro-Trauma: The Subtle Experiences That Can Become Traumatic Over Time https://www.mindbodygreen.com/articles/micro-trauma-experiences

What is PSTEC? https://workingonthebody.com/what-is-pstec-therapy/

What is EMDR? https://www.emdr.com/what-is-emdr/

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Play It By Ear
Play It By Ear
Sandhya, writer & musician