Thank you Sandhya, very well said. You're right in that the fringe ideas we used to scoff at are now something to seriously wonder if they'll come to pass. Very little, no matter how extreme, is off the table now. People who in a healthy society would never get near the levers of power are arriving with more frequency.

As an ex-pat (12 years now) watching from afar, I'm rather astounded at the regression, although I must add that these backslides are not confined to the U.S. nor did they just start in the last few years. It's been decades in the making.

Thanks again,

Victor David

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Decades, global, extreme, and regressive--agreed. Thanks so much for reading, subscribing, and commenting. I somewhat envy your ex-pat status but am here to see what becomes what...for now. And, as you suggest, it's not as if any place on earth is untouched.

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